Falcon, CO City Guides

1. Falcon School District 49

City: Falcon, CO
Category: Education
Telephone: (719) 495-1100
Address: 10850 E. Woodmen Rd.

Description: Falcon is located to the east of Colorado Springs, and “booming” is almost too tentative a description of this area and its school district. There are about 15,000 students, 20 schools, and a recent annual growth rate of close to 6 percent.The district has adjusted to this quick growth by offering almost every type of education available. Some elementary schools are K–5, some go through middle school and offer K–8. Some middle schools offer grades 6–8, some go further into high school, offering grades 6–10. The schools offer a host of educational choices; some of these are available district-wide, while some are at specific schools only. There is an International Baccalaureate program as well as a math, science, and space integration program. A school of technology integrates high-tech tools into project-based assignments. Engineering is Elementary curriculum teaches elementary students about engineering and technology concepts, and core knowledge is enhanced with foreign language, art, music, and physical education. Mosaica offers students the competition and private sector efficiency within the public school system. Expeditionary learning provides hands-on, in-depth education. Student Opportunities for Academic Richness (SOAR) provides the challenges needed by gifted and talented students. Summer school opportunities are available. Career academics is a high school curriculum that aims to prepare students for the world past secondary education, including focus in the medical profession, information technology field, broadcasting, and civil air patrol, among others. There is night school for those needing alternative education, and a program called SWAP (School to Work Alliance Program) provides successful employment and increased community connection for those in all categories of disability.
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