Moosup, CT City Guides

1. Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm Store

City: Moosup, CT
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (860) 564-0248
Address: 227 Ekonk Hill Rd.

Description: The Brown Cow Cafe at Ekonk Hill has become famous for its ice cream, but that’s not the only reason people come to this turkey farm. The Milkhouse Bakery on the farm is also open year-round, with muffins, pies, cookies, donuts, and breads, along with the Goose and Gobbler shop, with eggs, poultry, potpies, honey, maple syrup, and more. Of course, there are also hundreds of free-range birds to see roaming the fields. The corn maze is open in Sept and Oct, and you can also see the barnyard animals, explore the pumpkin patch, and take a hayride. At the Brown Cow, try the maple milk shake, which makes total sense, and will become your new favorite.
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