Chatham Arch - Relocation - Indianapolis, Indiana

City: Indianapolis, IN
Category: Relocation

Description: Located northeast of downtown, Chatham Arch was one of the first neighborhoods that sprang up outside of the city’s original Mile Square. Filled with character, Chatham Arch offers small restored cottages, tree-shaded streets, unusual street patterns, architectural variety, and jogging trails. Most architecture is Queen Anne inspired with gabled cottages and embellished porches. The district includes a Tudor Revival firehouse on 11th Street that a recent owner converted into a residence. Among several buildings linked to the African-American heritage of Indianapolis is Allen Methodist Episcopal Church. Located at 629 E. 11th St., the church and an adjoining sanctuary are part of an African-American community that once flourished in the area. Bordered by I-65, Chatham Arch offers easy access to the city’s freeway system.