Fall Creek Place - Relocation - Indianapolis, Indiana

City: Indianapolis, IN
Category: Relocation

Description: Once known as “Dodge City” because of its high crime rate, Fall Creek Place has turned itself around. With the help of a $4 million federal grant in 2001, Fall Creek Place cleaned up its act and the surrounding area. Vacant lots, abandoned houses, and dilapidated homes were acquired; new streets, sidewalks, lighting, utilities, and trees were installed; and special financing packages were assembled for home buyers. Today, more than 400 new families join many longtime residents in a once-again thriving neighborhood. Tree-lined streets share space with Victorian homes and new homes. A neighborhood association sponsors annual events such as neighborhood cleanups, group dinners, garage sales, and more. Fall Creek Place is bounded by Meridian Street on the west, Fall Creek Parkway on the north, College Avenue on the east and 22nd Street on the south.