Downtown Biddeford, ME City Guides

1. La Kermesse Festival

City: Downtown Biddeford, ME
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (207) 282-1567

Description: Maine isn’t exactly overflowing with festivals that celebrate ethnicity, but there are a few, and the biggest is La Kermesse (which in French means “the fair”), the largest French-Canadian party in the country. Maine has a rich Franco-American heritage, and this city of 21,000 is one of the cities where it is most strongly felt, never more so than during La Kermesse, which brings crowds of 50,000 to the city on the last weekend of June. If you’re not of French descent, don’t worry. You’ll be adopted for the length of the event, and organizers have made an effort to broaden its appeal, multiculturally. It’s Franco first and foremost, and you’ll have an opportunity to try all those dishes you always wanted—from boudin to crepes to our favorite, poutine, which is French fries with gravy and cheese. Block parties, French singers and national acts, traditional dancing, and a parade are highlights, and there are the typical festival delights of a midway and fireworks. The 10K La Kermesse Road Race is popular too. Maybe it’s all that poutine. The bulk of the activities take place at St. Louis Field downtown.
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