Harborside, ME City Guides

1. Holbrook Island Sanctuary

City: Harborside, ME
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (207) 326-4012
Address: 172 Indian Bar Rd.

Description: Cape Rosier could hardly be more beautiful, sticking out into the island-studded expanse of Penobscot Bay—and then you find Holbrook Island Sanctuary. The state owns just over 1,000 acres in Brooksville, looking out at the island the preserve’s named after, and it’s a fine meeting place of sea and shore. The sanctuary itself protects an array of ecosystems, from woods to marsh to meadows, and all the wildlife that live in such places. And the views of the bay are never ending. There are facilities for launching canoes and kayaks, trails for hiking, perfect picnic grounds, and all the makings of a great afternoon.
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