Gray Summit, MO City Guides

1. Purina Farms

City: Gray Summit, MO
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (314) 982-3232
Address: 200 Checkerboard Drive

Description: The Purina Farms visitor center includes a variety of activities centered on animals that kids of all ages are sure to enjoy. At the Barn and Play Area, visitors can pet and interact with many domestic animals found on a typical working farm, play in the hayloft, swing on a rope, or even milk a cow. (Milking demonstrations are held throughout the day.) A petting ring in the Barn’s nursery area allows children to get up close and personal with baby bunnies, chicks, and piglets. The Pet Center is home to the dozens of dogs and cats that call Purina Farms home, and the key attraction here is a 20-foot-tall, multilevel cat house, complete with windows, stairways, rocking chairs, and other feline-focused furnishings that combine to create a cat’s idea of paradise. (A staircase surrounding the structure provides an eye-level view of the cat house’s inhabitants.) Open from mid-March to mid-November. Reservations are required.

2. Purina Farms

City: Gray Summit, MO
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (314) 982-3232
Address: 200 Checkerboard Drive

Description: Purina Farms is an animal lover’s dream. In addition to a full-size barn containing domestic farm animals, a theater, and informational center, the attraction offers a variety of informative pet displays, hands-on activities, animal demonstrations, and holiday-themed events. The barn and play area allow visitors to interact with a variety of animals found on a typical working farm, and kids can romp in the hayloft, swing on a rope, or milk a cow. A petting ring in the barn’s nursery area allows kids to get close to baby bunnies, chicks, and piglets. Throughout the day, there are milking demonstrations and performances by herding dogs demonstrating their expertise at corralling farm animals. Reservations are required. Call for hours and activities.
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