Riverfront Times - Media - St. Louis, Missouri

City: St. Louis, MO
Category: Media
Telephone: (314) 615-6666
Address: 6358 Delmar Boulevard, Suite 200

Description: The staff of this free weekly alternative newspaper likes to keep the pot stirred on local issues. Most often referred to simply as “the RFT,” the paper usually assumes the role of devil’s advocate on issues affecting the region. Most of its news coverage is focused on issues that are important to St. Louis’s young adults, and readers look to the paper for its investigative reporting, news and commentary on local politics, and the most comprehensive arts and entertainment coverage in the St. Louis area. Indeed, the publication is usually taken very seriously for its extensive coverage of the local and national music scene. Founded in 1977 as St. Louis’s alternative newsweekly, the RFT has cultivated a weekly circulation of about 100,000. But, due to the “pass-along” nature of the paper, its weekly reach is estimated to be closer to 250,000 readers. Copies of the RFT begin appearing in news racks throughout the area by late afternoon each Wednesday.