Fairview, TN City Guides

1. Fairview Observer

City: Fairview, TN
Category: Media
Telephone: (615) 799-8565
Address: 1874 Fairview Blvd.

Description: This Gannett-owned weekly newspaper is distributed on Tues at newsstands in Fairview. Its coverage is aimed at the Fairview community. A 1-year subscription for Williamson County residents is $30.

2. Bowie Nature Park

City: Fairview, TN
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (615) 799-5544
Address: 7211 Bowie Lake Rd.

Description: This 722-acre park west of Nashville is a popular spot for mountain biking, hiking, and horseback riding. The 15 miles of multiuse woodland trails are in good shape and can be fairly challenging, especially for beginners, though the park has smoother areas through sections of woods and fields. Bowie is also known for its scenic beauty and vistas of lakes, rivers, forest, and native grassland. There is a $2 trail access fee for biking and horseback riding. Hikers can use the trails free.
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