Westover Plantation - Tours & Attractions - Williamsburg, Virginia

City: Williamsburg, VA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (804) 829-2882
Address: 7000 Westover Rd.

Description: During the colonial period, this exquisite plantation was the property of William Byrd, who owned extensive properties that stretched for many miles in each direction. Off Route 5 in Charles City County, it is adjacent to Berkeley Plantation. Situated on the banks of the James River, this palatial early Georgian house is sometimes described as the most elegant Georgian structure in the United States. The plantation features an outstanding Georgian boxwood garden and 150-year-old giant tulip poplars. William Byrd’s tomb is also on the property. The gardens and grounds are open to visitors from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, but the house is not open to the public. The plantation house is open twice a year for tours, including the Garden Club of Virginia’s Historic Garden Week, held in late April each year.