

In 2002, there were an estimated 1,202,028 housing units in Arkansas, of which 1,062,677 were occupied. In the same year, 67.9% of all housing units were owner-occupied. About 70% of all units were single-family, detached homes; 13% were mobile homes. The average household size was 2.48 people. It was estimated that about 60,790 units were without telephone service, 4,494 lacked complete plumbing facilities, and 7,389 lacked complete kitchen facilities. Though most units relied on gas and electricity for heating fuels, about 43,236 households used wood for a primary heating source.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $39.6 million in grants to the Arkansas state program in 2002, including $24.9 million in community development block grants. About 12,436 new housing units were authorized in 2002. The median home value was $79,043. The median monthly cost for mortgage owners was $772 while the monthly cost for renters was at a median of $497.