
Libraries and museums

Beginning with the founding in 1873 of the state's first taxsupported library at Independence, Iowa's public library system has grown to include seven regional and three county public library systems with total book holdings of 11,595,000 volumes, and a circulation of 25,217,000 in 2000. Among the principal libraries in Iowa are the State Library in Des Moines, the State Historical Society Library in Iowa City, the libraries of the University of Iowa (also in Iowa City), and the Iowa State University Library in Ames. Total income for Iowa public libraries was $70,422,000 in 2000.

Iowa had 134 museums and zoological parks in 2000. The Herbert Hoover National Historical Site, in West Branch, houses the birthplace and grave of the 31st US president and a library and museum with papers and memorabilia. Other historic sites include the grave of French explorer Julien Dubuque, near the city named for him; the girlhood home at Charles City of suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt; and the seven communal villages of the Amana colonies.