

The Minnesota Pioneer, whose first issue was printed on a small hand press and distributed by the publisher himself on April 28, 1849 in St. Paul, vies with the Minnesota Register (its first issue was dated earlier but may have appeared later) for the honor of being Minnesota's first newspaper. Over the next 10 years, in any case, nearly 100 newspapers appeared at locations throughout the territory, including direct ancestors of many present-day publications. In April 1982, Minneapolis's daily newspapers were merged into the Minneapolis Star Tribune. As of 2002, the state had 15 morning dailies, 10 evening dailies, and 14 Sunday papers. The following table lists the leading dailies, with their average circulations in 2002:


Duluth News Tribune (m,S) 47,027 71,019
Minneapolis Star Tribune (m,S) 340,445 671,359
St. Paul Pioneer Press (m,S) 195,042 251,129

As of 1997, 337 weekly newspapers and 176 periodicals were being published in Minnesota. Among the most widely read magazines published in Minnesota were Family Handyman, appearing 10 times a year; Catholic Digest, a religious monthly; and Snow Goer, published five times a year for snowmobile enthusiasts.