

Industry in Nevada is limited but diversified, producing communications equipment, pet food, chemicals, and sprinkler systems, among other products. The total value of shipments by manufacturers in 1997 was $6.7 billion, with the 3rd highest growth rate in the country between 1992 and 1997 (102%).

Earnings of persons employed in Nevada increased from $34.3 billion in 1997 to $37.2 billion in 1998, an increase of 8.5%. The largest industries in 1998 were services, 40.7% of earnings; construction, 11.6%; and state and local government, 10.0%. Of the industries that accounted for at least 5% of earnings in 1998, the slowest growing from 1997 to 1998 was finance, insurance, and real estate (7.0% of earnings in 1998), which increased 6.1%; the fastest was construction, which increased 9.9%.