Davenport: Geography and Climate

Davenport is set on a plain on the north bank of the Mississippi River, where the river forms the boundary between Iowa and Illinois. Davenport's section of the generally north-to-south-flowing river flows from east to west. Unlike every other major city bordering the Mississippi, Davenport has no permanent floodwall or levee, as the city prefers to retain open access to the water. Occasionally, flooding occurs and millions of dollars of property damage results. Located in the heart of an agricultural region, the city is within 300 miles of most other major Midwestern cities. Davenport's position near the geographic center of the country produces a temperate, continental climate that is characterized by a wide range in temperatures. Summers are short and hot; winters are usually severe, with an average annual snowfall of just over 30 inches. Although Davenport is located in a tornado zone, no funnel cloud has ever touched down within the city's boundaries.

Area: 63 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 579 feet to 700 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 21.7° F; July, 76.2° F; annual average, 48.1° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 33.7 inches