
Kalamazoo: Introduction
Kalamazoo: Geography and Climate
Kalamazoo: History
Kalamazoo: Population Profile
Kalamazoo: Municipal Government
Kalamazoo: Economy
Kalamazoo: Education and Research
Kalamazoo: Health Care
Kalamazoo: Recreation
Kalamazoo: Convention Facilities
Kalamazoo: Transportation
Kalamazoo: Communications


The City in Brief

Founded: 1829 (incorporated, 1883)

Head Official: Mayor Robert B. Jones (since 1998)

City Population

1980: 79,722

1990: 80,277

2000: 77,145

2003 estimate: 75,312

Percent change, 1990–2000: -3.9%

U.S. rank in 1980: 271st

U.S. rank in 1990: 322nd

U.S. rank in 2000: 390th

Metropolitan Area Population (MSA)

1980: 279,192 (SMSA)

1990: 429,453 (MSA)

2000: 452,851 (MSA)

Percent change, 1990–2000: 5.4%

U.S. rank in 1990: 82nd (MSA)

U.S. rank in 2000: 91st (MSA)

Area: 25.18 square miles (2000)

Elevation: Ranges from 700 to 1,000 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 24.7° F; July, 72.9° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 36.4 inches of rain, 70 inches of snow

Major Economic Sectors: Services, manufacturing, trade, government

Unemployment Rate: 6.5% (February 2005)

Per Capita Income: $16,897 (1999)

2004 ACCRA Average House Price: Not reported

2004 ACCRA Cost of Living Index: Not reported

2002 FBI Crime Index Total: 6,315

Major Colleges and Universities: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo College, Davenport University, Kalamazoo Valley Community College

Daily Newspaper: Kalamazoo Gazette
