Rapid City: Transportation

Approaching the City

The Rapid City Regional Airport, 9 miles east of the city, is the third most active airport in the Northern Rockies. It offers flights to and from Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, Chicago, and Denver via four carriers. Two fixed-base operators provide charter service. Charter bus service is provided by Rapid City Charter Bus, Deadwood Express, Jack Rabbit Lines, Stagecoach West, and Gray Line of the Black Hills. Dakota Minnesota and Eastern Railroad offers transport to the east, south and west.

Several wide, modern highways intersect in the city including Interstate 90, which runs east and west; State Highway 79, which runs north and south is being expanded to a four-lane highway; U.S. Highway 14, which cuts through the city on an angle running northwest to southeast; and U.S. Highway 16, which approaches the city center from the south. Six highways lead from the north, west, and south into the canyons and mountains.

Traveling in the City

The city is divided into three main areas named by locals according to compass direction: South Robbinsdale, North Rapid City, and West Rapid. Two inter-city bus lines serve Rapid City. City bus service is offered by the Rapid Transit System; Dial A Ride offers curb to curb service for transport of ADA certified passengers; Rapid Ride, a fixed-route bus system takes passengers to more than 200 stops along five city and two connector routes.