Rochester: Geography and Climate

Rochester is located 76 miles southeast of Minneapolis/Saint Paul, 41 miles north of the Iowa border, and 36 miles west of the Wisconsin border. The Zumbro River flows through the city, which is set on rolling farmland. There are also three creeks within the city limits.

Rochester enjoys a four-season climate. Spring is usually brief, and summer is pleasant and occasionally very hot, with approximately seven days exceeding 90 degrees. In July the relative humidity ranges between a high of 90 percent and a low of 62 percent. Summer brings prevailing winds from the south and southwest, and the winds shift during the winter months to come from the northwest. Autumn offers beautiful sunny days. Winter is cold, with snowfall averaging 48.8 inches annually. Severe storms, including blizzards, freezing rain, and tornadoes are not uncommon. There are occasional flash floods of the Zumbro River.

Area: 39.61 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 1,320 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 11.8° F; July, 70.2° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 32.3 inches of rain, 48.8 inches of snow