
Worcester: Introduction
Worcester: Geography and Climate
Worcester: History
Worcester: Population Profile
Worcester: Municipal Government
Worcester: Economy
Worcester: Education and Research
Worcester: Health Care
Worcester: Recreation
Worcester: Convention Facilities
Worcester: Transportation
Worcester: Communications

The City in Brief

Founded: 1673 (incorporated, 1722)

Head Official: City Manager Michael V. O'Brien (since 2004)

City Population

1980: 161,799

1990: 169,759

2000: 172,648

2003 estimate: 175,706

Percent change, 1990–2000: 1.7%

U.S. rank in 1980: 91st

U.S. rank in 1990: 101st

U.S. rank in 2000: 139th (State rank: 2nd)

Metropolitan Area Population (PMSA)

1990: 478,384

2000: 511,389

Percent change, 1990–2000: 6.9%

U.S. rank in 1990: 7th (MSA)

U.S. rank in 2000: 7th (MSA)

Area: 38 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 473 feet above sea level

Average Annual Temperature: 46.8° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 47.60 inches of rain; 67.4 inches of snow

Major Economic Sectors: Services, trade, manufacturing, government

Unemployment Rate: 5.5% (March 2005)

Per Capita Income: $18,614 (1999)

2002 FBI Crime Index Total: Not reported

Major Colleges and Universities: University of Massachusetts Medical School; Clark University; Worcester Polytechnic Institute; College of the Holy Cross; Worcester State College; Assumption College; Becker College

Daily Newspaper: Telegram & Gazette
