Austin: Communications

Newspapers and Magazines

Austin's major daily newspaper is the Austin American-Statesman, a morning paper. Readers also have available the Austin Daily Herald. The Daily Texan is the student newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin. Weekly publications include the Austin Chronicle, a free tabloid that publishes entertainment listings, and the Austin Business Journal, which reports on local commerce. Texas Monthly chronicles state politics and culture. Also among the more than 80 newspapers and periodicals published in Austin are Southwestern Historical Quarterly, published by the Texas State Historical Association; Capitol Times; El Mundo; Buddhist-Christian Studies; El Norte; Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review; and The Southwestern Musician.

Television and Radio

Seven television stations broadcast in Austin: one independent and affiliates of ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, PBS, and WB. Access to dozens of cable channels is also available. The number and variety of the radio stations reflect Austin-ites' passion for music. Thirty-two AM and FM stations offer everything from contemporary and Christian music to talk radio.

Media Information: Austin American-Statesman, 305 S. Congress Ave., PO Box 670, Austin, TX 78767; telephone(512)445-4040; toll-free (800)445-9898; email

Austin Online

Austin American-Statesman. Available

Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau. Available

Austin Independent School District. Available

Austin Public Library. Available

City of Austin Home Page. Available and

Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce. Available

Texas Workforce Commission. Available

Selected Bibliography

Cantrell, Gregg, Stephen F. Austin: Empresario of Texas (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999)

Douglass, Curan, Austin Natural and Historic (Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 2001)

Endres, Clifford, Austin City Limits (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987)

Rather, Dan, and the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce, Austin: Celebrating the Lone Star Millennium (Memphis, TN: Towery Publishing, 1999)