Charlotte: Geography and Climate

Charlotte is located in southwestern North Carolina's Piedmont region of rolling hills. The city is about 85 miles south and east of the Appalachian Mountains, and about 180 miles northwest of the Atlantic Ocean. Situated near the South Carolina state line, Charlotte is the Mecklenburg county seat.

Charlotte's moderate climate enjoys a sheltering effect from the mountains; its cool winters seldom bring extreme cold temperatures or heavy snowfall, while the city's long, quite warm summer days are mitigated by considerably cooler nights. Summer precipitation falls principally in the form of thundershowers, followed by comparatively drier fall weather.

Area: 242.87 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 730 to 765 feet above sea level

Average temperatures: January, 39.3° F; July, 79.3° F; average annual temperature, 60.1° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 43.1 inches