Frankfort: Geography and Climate

Frankfort, county seat of Franklin county, is located in a beautiful valley in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. The city lies within an hour's drive of the major metropolitan areas of Louisville (to the west) and Lexington (to the east). Cincinnati is less than two hours drive to the north. The city sits on an alluvial plain between the Kentucky River and 150-foot-high steep bluffs, on an S-loop in the river 60 miles above its mouth. The river divides the city into north and south sides, which are connected by bridges. The Bluegrass terrain is rocky and gently rolling, and the land is well suited to agriculture. Disastrous flooding of the Kentucky River at Frankfort occurred in 1937, 1974, and 1997.

Area: 15 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 510 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 30° F; July, 75° F; annual average, 54.90° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 44.55 inches