Montgomery: Geography and Climate

Montgomery, located in the state's south-central region, lies on the south bank of the Alabama River in a gently rolling area with fertile soil. The city is 100 miles south of Birmingham and 172 miles southwest of Atlanta, Georgia.

No topographical feature of the Montgomery area appreciably influences the local climate. Generally the days from June through September show little change, with frequent afternoon rain showers that soon dissipate. Beginning in late August, the weather gets drier until the period of December through April, when there are great differences from day to day in the amount and intensity of rainfall. Droughts sometimes occur in spring, late summer, and early autumn. The occurrence of snow is a rarity.

Area: 155 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 221 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 49.4° F; July, 83.6° F; annual average, 67.2° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 44.5 inches