Tallahassee: Geography and Climate

Nestled among the rolling hills of northwest Florida, Tallahassee is located in a region of the Florida panhandle known as the Big Bend. The city is set 20 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico, 178 miles west of Jacksonville, and 200 miles east of Pensacola. Its hilly terrain abounds with lakes, forests, and gardens. Tallahassee has a mild, moist climate with four distinct seasons, including subtropical summers with frequent thunderstorms, and 90 days with above 90 degree temperatures annually. Winters are often rainy with less sunshine than in summer and occasional below freezing days. High winds occur most frequently in late winter and early spring, and, with the exception of 2004's unusual season, full-blown hurricanes directly hit about every 17 years.

Area: 96 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 150 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 51.8° F; July, 82.4° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 63.21 inches