Bellingham: Geography and Climate

Bellingham is the seat of Whatcom County, the most northwestern county in the United States. The city is located 90 miles north of Seattle, 50 miles south of Vancouver, British Columbia, and 20 miles from the Canadian border at Baline. Bellingham, situated at the foot of 10,788-foot Mount Baker, is set on several hills overlooking the 172 San Juan Islands.

Bellingham has a mild, maritime climate with temperatures ranging from 45 to 60 degrees in spring and fall, 30 to 50 degrees in winter, and 60 to 80 degrees in summer. Most days have at least partial sunshine and snow; sleet and hail occur only about 15 days per year.

Area: 31.74 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 68 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 40.5° F; July, 63.5° F; annual average, 51.5° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 38 inches of rain, 20 inches of snow