Fairbanks: Geography and Climate

Fairbanks is located in the Tanana Valley in the Interior of Alaska, 358 miles north of Anchorage and 125 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Significant changes in solar heat during the year produce a wide variation of temperatures from winter to summer. During the summer months (June and July) the sun is above the horizon 18 to nearly 21 hours per day and temperatures are often in the high 80s. From November to March, daylight ranges from 10 to less than 4 hours daily, and temperatures can drop to -60 degrees Fahrenheit. During the winter, ice fog can occur if the temperature drops below -20 degrees Fahrenheit. Fairbanks rarely experiences windy conditions.

Area: 32.67 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 432 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, -10.2° F; August, 55.4° F; annual average, 30.4° F

Annual Average Precipitation: 11.5 inches with 67.8 inches of snowfall