City Of Colorado Springs - Relocation - Colorado Springs, Colorado

City: Colorado Springs, CO
Category: Relocation
Address: 30 S. Nevada Ave.

Description: The city of Colorado Springs’s website is easy to use, and if there’s one link on the home­page a newcomer needs, it’s the link to “I want to . . . .” On that page you’ll find everything from how to apply for a building permit to how to volunteer with the police. There’s a community calendar, a city jobs listing, an explanation of the city government, and directions for walking tours through historic districts. There is a link to Summer Heat, an annual weeklong day camp sponsored by the city that introduces young women between the ages of 15 and 19 to career opportunities in the fire service. There are answers to everything from how to recycle to who to call if there’s a wild animal in your backyard (Colorado Division of Wildlife, 719-227-5200—welcome to Colorado!). The easier question is almost, what isn’t on this site? Answer: not much!