Era Shields Real Estate - Relocation - Colorado Springs, Colorado

City: Colorado Springs, CO
Category: Relocation
Address: 5475 Tech Center Dr., Suite 300

Description: New in town? Don’t know a soul? Or maybe you just retired and finally have too much time on your hands. Well, there’s a solution. Get out there. Meet people. Do things. Make a difference in the community. Volunteer. Nearly every church in town—and there are a lot of them—has some sort of outreach program. Like most cities, there is a need for volunteers at the local humane society and other animal rescue places. There are soup kitchens, programs for victims of domestic violence and abuse, services for seniors who are in need. You can help with a hotline, work for your favorite charity, or support an organization that helps folks suffering from health afflictions ranging from Alzheimer’s to heart disease. You name it. For a list of local agencies that can use volunteers, check out the Pikes Peak United Way, Here are some organizations that eagerly welcome volunteers of any age. These are some interesting, fulfilling volunteer jobs that meet needs specific to our region. They could become as full-time as you want (or stay low-key, if you prefer). You’ll meet new friends, and you’ll be giving something back to the community in which we live.
