Voter Registration - Relocation - Hartford, Connecticut

City: Hartford, CT
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (860) 509-6100
Address: 30 Trinity St.

Description: Voter registration and elections are handled by the Legislation and Elections Administration Division (LEAD) which, together with local town clerks and the registrar of voters, administers and executes voting activities. Election authority falls under the secretary of state, and the state complies with the 2002 Help America Vote Act, which implemented requirements for voting machines or provisional ballots. Voter registration forms are available on the website ( for mail-in, and in-person registration should be done through the registrar of voters located in town government offices. Forms are also available at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Eligible voters must be residents, citizens at least 17 years old (turning 18 by election time), and have voting rights restored if previously imprisoned or on parole. General election information, calendars, and results are also easily accessible on the website. First-time voters or those transferring registration need to present identification, including photo identification and proof of address. Polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. on voting days, generally the first Tues of Nov.
