Polytechnicon20 - Restaurants - Hartford, Connecticut

City: Hartford, CT
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (860) 722-5161
Address: 1 State St.

Description: On the 20th floor of the Hartford Steam Boiler Building, PolytechnicON20 is a place for the adventurous eater, who can be adventurous not just once, but time and time again. Called the Polytechnic Club for many years, PolytechnicON20 was a genteel experience, for a select few. Now you can enter this classical retreat to see the view, be treated like aristocracy, and try the amazing food. The menu looks surprisingly normal, with chicken and grilled salmon, shrimp and Wagyu steaks. But the preparations are elaborate, and the ingredients are all the highest quality. When the “bacon and eggs” comes to your table, you might be scratching your head. However, don’t be intimidated by the molecular gastronomy; this is one of the premier dining experiences in the state. Just don’t wear jeans—this is fine dining the way it used to be, even if the food is somewhere in the future.