Caesus Fromagerie And Bistro - Restaurants - New Haven, Connecticut

City: New Haven, CT
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (203) 624-3373
Address: 93 Whitney Ave.

Description: This bistro on the corner of Whitney and Trumbull Streets is small but stylish, with a bar area and patio seating upstairs. The downstairs dining area provides the flavor of a Parisian cafe, and the menu is inspired by French cuisine. Order the cheese plate to sample four of the hundreds of artisanal cheeses, selected daily and served with honey, nuts, quince or similar fruit preserves, and breads. Poutine, a classic dish of french fries with cheese curds and gravy, is good as an appetizer or as a meal itself. Mac and cheese with big shells full of perfectly blended cheeses is baked and steaming. Try it with bacon, though the added richness might send you over the edge. Omelet specials and sandwiches are additional pleasures. Visit the cheese shop after lunch and take home Mimolette, Manchego, or other delectable goodies.