Toad’S Place - Tours & Attractions - New Haven, Connecticut

City: New Haven, CT
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (203) 562-5694
Address: 300 York St.

Description: Since 1976 this music club has hosted some of the greats: Muddy Waters, the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Bonnie Raitt, U2, the Talking Heads, Radiohead, et cetera, et cetera. Why do they all play this relatively small club in New Haven? The official story is that even megastars want to connect with the fans, and they know this is the place to do it. The real reason (here’s an insiders’ secret) is that Yale is so influential that even rock-and-roll rebels know that the buzz created from here will give them cachet. The sound is great, and since they revamped the main room to allow teens to come without letting them near the bar (there used to be a giant net across the middle of the room), Toad’s is once again a classic venue. If the opening band is too loud, hang out in the back room, where another full bar awaits. And don’t be surprised if you run into the performers on your way to the restrooms in the basement. When you do, try not to make a fool of yourself.