Cow’S Outside Leather Shop - Shopping - Norwalk, Connecticut

City: Norwalk, CT
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (203) 866-2668
Address: 81 Washington St.

Description: You’ll find this store on the exclusive Washington Street in SoNo by the totem pole and the, yes, cow outside. However, the store’s name works in several ways. “Everything is leather because the cow’s outside is leather” is their clever motto, and while it might seem off-putting to animal lovers, it is refreshingly honest. Since 1976 this store has sold all sorts of purely American leather goods, like boots, belts, bags, jackets, and hats, and they are the best you’ll find anywhere. The specialization allows the prices to be a little cheaper than you’ll find at other clothing stores, too, and you can bring anything you buy here back for reconditioning for free. It’s right next to the small SoNo Switch Tower, one of the few left in the country, open noon to 5 p.m. weekends, so why not stop in for a look?