St. Pete Pride - Annual Events & Festivals - Tampa Bay, Florida

City: Tampa Bay, FL
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (727) 388-9435

Description: Held in June to commemorate the June 28, 1969, raid by police on the Stonewall Inn in New York’s Greenwich Village and resulting riots, St. Pete Pride observes the event and celebrates the changes that have taken place in the last forty years. The Pride Promenade and Festival features a three-blocks long rainbow flag carried through part of St. Petersburg’s streets along with floats, flag, rifle, and other drill teams, costumed characters (many in drag), and music. Tents with food, beverage, and other vendors fill a multiblock festival area. Along with the daytime parade, past events have included a nighttime reception at the Museum of Fine Arts and a nighttime comedy concert at an area resort. St. Pete Pride is the largest Pride event in Florida, and one of the largest in the nation. Admission is free.