Ocean Wood Birch Harbor - Accommodations - Coastal Maine, Maine

City: Coastal Maine, ME
Category: Accommodations
Telephone: (207) 963-7194

Description: Owner Michael Brunton hasn’t done much advertising for this extraordinary seaside camping area, mostly because he wants to keep it a quiet, special place. And quiet and special it is. Run primarily as a nature preserve, the 70-site campground wraps around a peninsula that pokes into the cold Atlantic Down East, and there is plenty of space between sites, making it serene and cozy. Brunton doesn’t allow radios or partying, and there are a bunch of sites that are walk-in only, which further removes you from the noise. Many bivouacs are right smack on the shore, and there’s a large seawall of a beach for enjoying by those on an inland spot. Perhaps best of all, the sights of the Schoodic Peninsula are less than 5 miles away. It’s truly a remarkable campground. So don’t tell anyone about it; just call for reservations.   