Shopping - Mesa, Arizona

16. Mesa Arts Center

City: Mesa, AZ
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (480) 644-6500
Address: 1 E. Main St.
Insider Pick:

Description: Billed as the most comprehensive arts center in Arizona, the Mesa Arts Center (MAC) lives up to its promise by sponsoring just about every sort of program imaginable in the world of arts. The campus sits on 7 acres in downtown Mesa. Inside are 4 theaters, from small, intimate studios to the grand and 1,600-seat Ikeda Theater. In the center’s art studios and classrooms, students learn everything from ceramics and printmaking to photography and acting. The center also sports 5,500 square feet of exhibition space, including several galleries. It books around 600 to 800 performances annually, including Broadway musicals, rock concerts, and major theatrical performances.
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