Delray Beach Playhouse - Nightlife - Delray Beach, Florida

City: Delray Beach, FL
Category: Nightlife
Telephone: (561) 272-1281 (ext. 4)
Address: 950 Northwest Ninth St.

Description: The Delray Beach Playhouse is in a park setting, overlooking scenic Lake Ida. It’s one of the best places for talented local performers to hone their skills in actual productions. The playhouse was founded 60 years ago, when a half-dozen would-be actors held a performance in a church parish hall. Later on, they moved to the old Civic Center, on the site of the present City Library. Now the Playhouse has its own building, a modern theater that seats 238 people. The Theater’s policy has always been to hire experienced professionals with the skills to teach talented young performers. As a result, it’s one of the most successful community theaters in the country.The people who perform here are not professionals. They’re a diverse cross-section of local people, among them doctors, lawyers, businessmen, students, carpenters, and writers, of widely varying ages, who got their roles in open auditions for the parts. Lighting and sound effects, set- construction, and costuming are all handled by volunteers. Nonetheless, you’ll find yourself standing and applauding as the curtain goes down. Recent performances have included shows such as Fallen Angels, a comedy by Noel Coward, and The Prisoner of Second Avenue by Neil Simon.
