American International Fine Art Fair - Annual Events & Festivals - West Palm Beach, Florida

City: West Palm Beach, FL
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (239) 949-5411
Address: 650 Okeechobee Blvd.

Description: Since its founding in 1997, the American International Fine Arts Fair has occupied a prominent place in the pantheon of world-class art events. There are no hot dogs or nachos here, and no T-shirts or tank-tops; this is no street festival. Some of the most discriminating (and wealthy) collectors in the world wander among the hundreds of exhibits, viewing everything from modern sculpture to Old Masters paintings. Single items here have sold for over $100 million!Well-dressed, whispering people move comfortably and knowledgeably among works by some of the most famous artists of all time, discussing both the intrinsic artistic value and the intrinsic financial value. You will never see a greater number of magnificent antiques in one place at one time. In addition, this fair has been said to have the world’s finest collection of haute and period jewelry. It is the only American fair rated five stars by The Art Newspaper, and many collectors see this as the finest art, antique, and jewelry show in the country. You’ll find exquisite stained glass; Victorian furniture; Impressionist paintings (by the real Impressionists); marble busts; jewelry from royal families; whole roomfuls of hand-carved, hand-painted, gilded Italian or French furniture; gold statuary; Grandfather clocks from colonial times; ornate candelabras and chandeliers from European palaces; antique china and vases; and much more. Many of us won’t earn as much money in a year as some of the attendees will spend in one afternoon.Held for five to six days in early Feb; admission charges for one-day passes and multi-day passes.
