Café 1451 At The Norton Museum - Restaurants - West Palm Beach, Florida

City: West Palm Beach, FL
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (561) 832-5196
Address: 1451 South Olive Ave.

Description: After browsing among classic pieces of art from some of the world’s most famous artists, sculptors, and craftspeople, browse among the American classics at Café 1451. The menu here is always changing according to the big exhibit on display. And—fitting for a notable art museum—creative cuisine is always on exhibit here. For example, the menu is often divided into The Classics (such as shrimp cocktail or an omelet); The Contemporaries (such as smoked corn chowder with braised bacon, or the apricot and goat cheese tart); On Broadway (wild crimson Snapper); or The Avant Garde (lunch specials named after classic movies). Desserts? One recent special was a series of delicious pastries entitled Off the Wall: The Human Form in Sculpture. Starbuck’s Coffee available, along with cocktails, wine, and beer.