Retirement - Brunswick, Maine

1. Sunnybrook Village

City: Brunswick, ME
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (207) 443-9100
Address: 340 Bath Rd.

Description: The newest of the retirement villages on the red-hot Brunswick retiree scene, Sunnybrook sounds like a Kate Douglas Wiggin book—you may wonder where Rebecca and the farm are—and it’s privately owned rather than part of a soulless chain. There are already 60 people ensconced in its 12 apartments and 39 assisted-living units. Three chef-cooked meals a day, a beauty parlor and a barber shop, rose gardens, a computer center, and a calendar’s worth of activities number among the many amenities. Plus, you’re in Brunswick, which, among retirees, makes you one of the cool kids.

2. Thornton Oaks

City: Brunswick, ME
Category: Retirement
Address: 25 Thornton Way, #100
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