Mainely Parents - Education - South Portland, Maine

City: South Portland, ME
Category: Education
Telephone: (800) 249-5506 (talk line)
Address: 525 Main Street

Description: Mainely Parents is a statewide network of grassroots support groups for parents and families sponsored by the nonprofit organization Day One. The local chapter, with offices on State Street in Portland, offers parental support groups with names like “Navigating the Teen Years” and “Dads Only,” as well as parenting courses. A statewide toll-free talk line is available for parents in crisis or for those just looking for extra support. The help line, which is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., assists parents with challenges ranging from a teething child to a runaway teen. Mainely Parents also distributes a quarterly newsletter, Maine Parent Express, which focuses on preventing child abuse and neglect and offers parenting tips. The current edition of the newsletter and back issues from that year are available on their Web site.