Child Care - St. Paul, Minnesota

1. Nanny Professionals

City: St. Paul, MN
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (651) 221-0587
Address: 2456 Arkwright St.

Description: Many of the hundreds of churches in the Twin Cities metro area offer weekday and/or weekend day care for young children. It would be difficult to list every church that offers day care, just because these programs are sometimes offered only in the summer or are even canceled due to lack of community support. Your best bet is to call the churches directly to find out if they are offering day care—church-based care generally costs about $150 per week for full-time care.

2. Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota

City: St. Paul, MN
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (651) 523-0099 or (800) 621-63
Address: 1821 University Ave. West, Suite 202-S

Description: Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota provides support groups for children and parents—adults talk about challenges and ideas while, in a different room, children learn new coping skills. Weekly meetings are offered around the metro. The organization also provides materials on preventing and coping with abuse, advocates strength-based family services and policies, and gives guidance to families in crisis.
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