Trocadero - Shopping - Omaha, Nebraska

City: Omaha, NE
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (402) 934-8389
Insider Pick:

Description: Opened by New York transplant Alice Kim, the former accessories director for InStyle magazine, Trocadero brings a slice of New York City and puts it in the heart of Omaha. Kim has a knack for selecting items that are just exclusive enough to appeal to her Midwestern audience, and the shop is the only place in Omaha to get many things: Alex and Ani bracelets, Diyptique scented candles, and shoes from up-and-coming designers. Souvenirs from Kim’s glamorous life in New York and Paris fill the shop—cards from Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld, shoe master Brian Atwood, and from fashion weeks around the world decorate the space in between the exclusive merchandise. But it’s not all fancy: Trocadero stocks a wide array of books for both adults and children and fun Kid Robot toys that no one can resist, old or young.