Colton Motel - Accommodations - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

City: Gettysburg, PA
Category: Accommodations
Telephone: (800) 262-0317 (reservations)
Address: 232 Steinwehr Avenue

Description: The Colton has the dubious distinction of being the last independently owned motel in the borough of Gettysburg. But there’s nothing dubious about the distinction of sleeping on hallowed ground on Cemetery Ridge, with the National Cemetery as the motel’s backdrop. This is where soldiers from the Ohio 73rd Company D Infantry unit held the Union line at the burr of the fishhook before it started to bend around Culp’s Hill. The exterior of the Colton, which was built in 1953, is painted blue and gray, and the rooms have been kept up well. The motel has the benefit of an ideal location to walk to restaurants and attractions. The Colton has 25 rooms, including two family rooms, and all rooms but the family suite are on the ground level. The second-story family suite has three bedrooms with four double beds, and the other family room has three queen-size beds. The motel has an outdoor pool, and Internet access is available. You can also make free local calls, and the office has complimentary coffee and a copy of the Gettysburg Times and the Hanover Evening Sun newspapers available.
