Gettysburg Times - Media - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

City: Gettysburg, PA
Category: Media
Telephone: (717) 334-1131
Address: 1570 Fairfield Road

Description: The Gettysburg Times newspaper is published daily Monday through Saturday (except Christmas and New Year’s Day) by the Times & News Publishing Company. It has a circulation of about 9,000 subscribers, and it covers all the news of Gettysburg and the surrounding townships as well as national news. The Times isn’t a thick paper, but it packs a lot of local news into its pages. The “Good Old Days” series runs once a week, and it gives locals a chance to write in and reminisce about how things used to be and what was where back in the day. Sides of national issues are represented with pieces by Molly Ivins, Cal Thomas, and other notable editorialists. Local issues take up a good amount of the space, with weekly columns devoted to pet issues, tourism, senior news, and other local interests. The Gettysburg Times is essentially a small-town newspaper, with birthday greetings that include pictures, announcements of divorces, engagements, and marriages, and pictures of reporters who cover the local scene. The paper also has weekly listings of events going on and an in-depth religion section, which lists all the activities the local churches are sponsoring. In 2008 the Times received the Keystone Press Award and the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors Award. The paper’s banner is ADAMS COUNTY NEWS FIRST and their slogan is MORNING’S GREAT, EVENING’S TOO LATE.
