Gettysburg Riding Club - Parks & Recreation - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

City: Gettysburg, PA
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (717) 334-4396
Address: 102 Hounds Run

Description: Located on 10 acres east of Gettysburg off York Street and Hunterstown Road, the Gettysburg Riding Club first organized in 1952 to have trail rides and hold horse shows, and both traditions carry on today. The club grounds hold a vinyl-covered fenced riding ring, a storage shed, a secretary stand attached to a judges’ stand, and a parking area. Well water and electricity are available, and a second area is graded off for use by the trail classes. Club members have trail rides about once a month, and they also have a monthly meeting at an area restaurant. A Christmas party and end-of-show-season dinner is held annually. The club is a member of two show circuits, the Maryland-Pennsylvania Horse Show Circuit (MPHSC) and the Blue and Gray Hunter Circuit, and it also holds a show that benefits the Pennsylvania Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance. Club grounds are rented to other horse organizations for shows and to the local 4-H club. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in horses, and you don’t have to be a rider to enjoy being part of the club.
