FedEx locations in Springfield, MO

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FedEx - South Oaks Center - Outside

Address: 3303 S Campbell Ave
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65807

FedEx - Empire Bank Bldg - Outside

Address: 3333 S National Ave
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65807

FedEx - The Mailbox Shipping Stor

Address: 2101 W Chesterfield Blvd
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65807

FedEx - Bancorpsouth - Outside

Address: 2620 E Sunshine St
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65804

FedEx - Plaza Towers - Outside

Address: 1736 E Sunshine St
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65804

FedEx - Murney Associates - Outside

Address: 1625 E Primrose St
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65804

FedEx - Elm Street Box - Outside

Address: 3000 E Elm St
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65802

FedEx - Mailbox

Address: 2131 W Republic Rd
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65807

FedEx - Mailboxit

Address: 4121 S Fremont Ave, Suite 120
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65804

FedEx - Lurvey Plaza West - Outside

Address: 2231 E Kearney St
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65803

FedEx - Preferred Title - Outside

Address: 1265 E Republic Rd
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65804

FedEx Drop Box - Inside USPS

Address: 1839 E Independence St
City and Zip Code: Springfield, MO 65804
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