North Ward Elementary School in Allegan, Michigan (MI)

Allegan, MI 49010

County: Allegan

Phone: (269) 673-6003 (make sure to verify first before calling)
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Jul 8, 2011 @ 12:12 pm
My son Diezel has ADHD, conduct disorder, narcolepsy and has been arrested for domestic violence against me his mother. It was dropped to incorrigibility and he was help back into the 7th grade plus he had been held back in 5th grade too. I need help. He controls and mentally tortures me and my 16 year old daughter and The courts and police are of no help. We have to wait until violently attacks one of us again. If my daughter had not been there last time he may have strangled me to death. She had to threaten him with a knife to get him off of me and release my neck. I was wondering if this school is one for kids like my son that can give him some help and guidance. I don't know what to do or where to turn. I am leaglly married but he maoved out 7 years ago and living with a woman and they had him there a few times and she saw what a devil he is and refuses to let my husband take our son and raise him. I can't do it anymore. I feel I can't take one more day of his torture. Please give me some advise. Thank You Lezli Hewitt

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School Safety Practices:

Warning codes used to alert faculty of a critical incident: Yes
Tactical evacuation route for students or entry routes for emergency support teams: Yes
Off-site staging area for assembly and communication at the onset of critical incident: Yes
Emergency communication tree or plan: Yes
Facility blueprints and site plan on file with emergency support team: Yes
Control access to site during school hours (doors locked or monitored): Yes
Control access to grounds during school hours (gates locked or monitored): No
Students required to pass through metal detectors each day: No
Visitors required to pass through metal detectors: No
Campus closed for most students during lunch: Yes
Integrated home-land security in school practices into school safety plans: Yes
Random sweeps for weapons: No
Require clear book bags or ban book bags: No
Require students to wear badges or picture IDs: No
Require staff to wear badges or picture IDs: No
Provide staff training in risk assessment: Yes
Security cameras used to monitor the school: No
Telephones provided in most classrooms: Yes
Emergency button provided in lavatories: No
In compliance with the state law that requires that a student who brings a firearm to school be expelled for one year: Yes
In compliance with Elem. and Sec. Edu. Act (ESEA), that requires referral to juvenile delinquency system of any student who brings a firearm to school: Yes
School wide training in positive behavioral support and interventions: Yes

School Safety Plans:

Safety plan exists - Shootings: Yes
Safety plan exists - Riots: Yes
Safety plan exists - Bomb scares or comparable threats (excluding fire): Yes
Safety plan exists - Disaster planning (tornadoes, floods, chemical spill, etc.): Yes
Safety plan exists - Hostages: Yes
Safety plan exists - Lock down: Yes

School Prevention Programs:

Implemented a violence prevention curriculum: No
Practiced behavior modification/intervention with students: Yes
Provided group counseling (social work) or therapeutic activity for students: Yes
Provided peer mentoring or coaching program: Yes
Provided peer mediation (student court) in resolving conduct problems: No
Provided conflict resolution training to staff and students: No
Provided programs that promote a sense of social integration among students: Yes
Established a hot line for students to report problems: No
Provided training and assistance in classroom management to teachers: Yes
Revised or reviewed school wide discipline policy: Yes
Made architectural or environmental modifications to reduce crime or violence: No
Used a paid law enforcement or security service: No
Implemented a drug prevention service: Yes
Conducted community service projects on prevention: No
Implemented teacher/staff training on violence/drug prevention: Yes
Conducted public/parent awareness activities on violence/drug prevention: No
Offered after-school or before-school programs: No
Provided alternative education programs: Yes
Underwent curriculum acquisition or development: Yes
Provided services for out-of-school youth (school-age): No
Administered special one-time events (not included in the above mentioned programs): No
Involved organizations in administering drug and violence-prevention services via joint service delivery (including referrals): Yes
Involved organizations in administering drug and violence prevention services via teacher/staff training: No
Involved organizations in administering drug and violence prevention services via public awareness activities: No
Involved organizations in administering drug and violence prevention services via fund raising: No
Allowed students to participate in the design, delivery or critiquing of a drug or violence prevention program: No
Balanced and restorative justice conferencing (aka transformative conferencing): No

Attendance Statistics:

Attendance Rate (2006): 100.0%

State average from 3668 schools:

Attendance Rate (2005): 100.0%

State average from 3919 schools:

Attendance Rate (2004): 100.0%

State average from 3863 schools:

92.4% does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.
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