Tours & Attractions - Bar Harbor, Maine

1. Abbe Museum

City: Bar Harbor, ME
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 26 Mount Desert St.

2. George B. Dorr Natural History Museum

City: Bar Harbor, ME
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (207) 288-5015
Address: 105 Eden St.

Description: A fine collection of flora and fauna indigenous to the Acadia area is on display in a relatively new home on the campus of the College of the Atlantic. Kids like the indoor tide pools. Even if whalebones, stuffed puffins, and student-designed nature dioramas are not your thing, the museum is a good excuse to pay a visit to COA, always ranked highly among the most beautiful college campuses in the country. Open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from mid-June through Labor Day.

3. Dive-In Theater Tours

City: Bar Harbor, ME
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (207) 288-3483
Address: Bar Harbor Inn Pier

Description: Diver Ed is a clever fellow. From the puns of his own name and business name to simply offering the throngs of people who visit Acadia a chance to see what’s on the sea bottom—without even getting wet—he’s on to something. The Dive-In Theater is Diver Ed’s scuba tour, during which he swims to the bottom with a camera and projects video back to a large screen on the boat above to the delight of passengers. They get to virtually dive Frenchman Bay, seeing the rich array of sea life in this fertile basin, and toward the end of the two-hour jaunt, he scoops up a bagful of sea critters for the kids above to pet. Neat stuff. Diver Ed also does dive charters on his boat the Seal. 
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