Restaurants - Chula Vista, California

1. Anthony’S Fish Grotto

City: Chula Vista, CA
Category: Restaurants
Address: 215 Bay Boulevard

2. Bob’S By The Bay

City: Chula Vista, CA
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (619) 476-0400
Address: 570 Marina Parkway

Description: Bob’s is one of the most popular restaurants in the South Bay, and for good reason. The food is consistently well prepared, and the menu features perennial favorites. The grilled shrimp, two skewers of shrimp seasoned with citrus and butter, then grilled, is paired with fresh seasonal vegetables and basmati rice—just right for a dinner that’s filling but on the light side. Grilled chicken Alfredo is another crowd-pleaser—marinated, boneless chicken grilled and served over fettuccine with a basil and Parmesan cream sauce. This is a busy hangout for the after-work crowd, too, and a good place to meet friends for a drink before dinner. Bob’s is located close to the water in the Chula Vista Marina and is open for lunch and dinner daily.

3. The Butcher Shop

City: Chula Vista, CA
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (619) 420-9440
Address: 556 Broadway

Description: As its name implies, The Butcher Shop specializes in beef: prime rib, top sirloin, and just about any other cut that strikes your fancy. Picture a darkened dining room with paneled walls and red fabric booths, a holdover from the days of three-martini lunches in a smoke-filled room. The restaurant also caters to lighter eaters by offering chicken and fish dishes, but then spoils all your good intentions by serving them with irresistible, giant twice-baked potatoes and piping hot garlic bread. Dinner is served nightly, and lunch is served Monday through Saturday. On Sundays The Butcher Shop opens in the early afternoon for a late lunch or early dinner.

4. Edelweiss

City: Chula Vista, CA
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (619) 426-5172
Address: 230 Third Avenue

Description: If you’re a schnitzel fan, Edelweiss is just what the doctor ordered. Try Wiener schnitzel, Jager schnitzel, or Holstein schnitzel. Or if you prefer to jump off the schnitzel bandwagon, sample one of the other authentic German entrees, like sauerbraten or hunter stew. Traditional treats such as potato pancakes and cabbage rolls are quite good, too. Open for dinner Tuesday through Sunday.
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